Friday 20 February 2015

What is Personal Development

These are the important principles for self development.


Self-awareness is a pre-requisite for the character. Leader must assess his intellectual professional interests and needs. His interests must revolve round his educational institution and professional needs. He should be aware that what are his potentials? Where his strengths lie is? What are his drawbacks? He thinks over his limitation and powers that how much tough time he can give to his own self. How much tolerance he has? He keeps in mind the social values, welfare of the society. One administrator comments that truth is my strength.


The beneficiaries of status quo or chaos do not bear the change. At this juncture, he has to explain his behavior, position and task before high officials, community and teachers, or stakeholders. For this purpose he takes the help of results which he shows in curriculum, extra-curriculum and co-curriculum activities. He expresses his and organization’s needs, his future field of priorities, and ambitions, make his own as well as his high authorities with prestige. He shows his scarification of self-rights.


Self-confidence is the most vital quality of educational leader. He must have a confidence of his own that he is able to get determined objectives or his department, nation, society and above all young generation. If this conviction, confidence is raised above to the level of faith with God fearing, he will certainly provide best people to society. This confidence is the source of his success.

Decision making

Decision making is a complex skill. For this purpose we need planning, application of planning. He should not consider himself that his logic has final authority. He should take help from the past. Design best type of planning and choose best plans, it will lead him surely to success. Decision making surely plays a fundamental role in the development of a leader. Lack of decision power will earn for him an ill repute. Therefore, this task must be done with deep contemplation, delicacy, and high level of understanding. The whole responsibility rests on the leader, consequences but it is not adequate to follow particular persons blindly. He should take trust on his perception.

Independent performance

   Educational leader on the one hand, is bound to take the help of other’s professional skills; on the other hand it is essential for him to take initiative until the work does not reach to its logical end
He should adopt self-management strategies. He should remain dependent on his self, the dependence on others as expectations lead a leader to utter failure. Therefore, he must observe independent performance, and learn continuously.


Work of monitoring is part of duties of educational leader he is examining his and staff’s performance. After the completion of the plan, the performance of the whole team is before him. But in perspective of his overall progress, he can sense the performance of his own, his efforts to achieve ends visible before him. He should think over this question that if some persons are set aside from the plan, will he be able alone to get required results. For this purpose he must take an evaluation about his performance regularly so that he can assess his own performance, and he continues his journey towards a better way.


Leader must adjust and adapt himself with the changes in objectives, standards. He should have knowledge of the past, present and future. This understanding increases in him foresightedness, wisdom and pre-planning. This makes his wok more easy, and disciplined. This also exposes to him the merits and demerits of his planning.


Self-improvement is an ideological dream, to which a few leaders of the world were able to reach, but every leader involves in its struggle. To accomplish the self is the sole need of a leader by which he gets two destinations such as his own personal elevation and accomplishment of his nation’s or organizational objectives. Some leaders viewed it a sacred duty to enhance the self and to expose one’s potentials.

Goals and vision

Every leader determines his goals and objectives. He inculcates himself those skills which help him in the achievement of objectives. This ability leads to self-reliance, empowerment with the perspective of global village.


Safe and secure comfortable environment plays a positive role for educational process, organization, staff and students; this environment is both material and psychological. This later is very important. It is an environment where everyone who does hard work feel respect, trust and self-confidence. Where it is easy to get educational objectives, to materialize one’s ideas and it is a source of good reputation.
Equality and justice
It is very necessary for a teacher to acquire the objective of equality and justice. Until he removes the discrimination of rich and poor, young and elder, white and black, he is not able to get success and reputation.

Acceptance of change

World is changing very rapidly. Research and technology, innovation has changed the scenario of the world drastically. Now the principle of ‘life-long learning’ is stressed by scholars. The leader who does not adapt himself with increasing change will remain backward and not able to lead his people. Therefore knowledge of change and skill to decide accordingly is now fundamental pre-requisite. At this juncture leader must know his values and what change will happen in them due to the acceptance of change. To create a consciousness among the students about the change, they become useful citizens of their society. If they do some job, they will be productive and beneficial for family and country. They also train their students about the modern concept of civic sense.

Student centered environment

Students are the center of environment in school, because school teachers, syllabus all are formed for the students. Therefore, students have the status of VIPs. It is the leader who develops a sense of respect and self-esteem among the students and teachers. Self-respect is the important aspect of human psychology. If students get respect from their schools, they will enhance respect in society. They are the future and the object of all educational activities. Therefore, it is essential to inculcate in them a sense of honor and importance.

Guidance and participation

Leader of the school has to provide resources for school. The means of these resources are society and community. The concept of participation believes in bottom to top cycles of development. On the gross-root level community knows better about their own problems and they are more concerned and curious about their solution. Therefore, it is expected that their direct participation in framing the productive environment of their own children is very pragmatic.

Communication skills

To communicate effectively is the fundamental need of a teacher as head of the institution. He has to communicate ideas, subject-matter, lecture in meeting with teachers, students, conduct seminar, conferences, interviews, conversation etc.  For this purpose he has to know various inter-personal, intra-personal communication skills with short or large gathering. Many differences emerge in the lacking of this skill, which cause disruption and conflict in the organization.


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