Sunday 15 February 2015

Competency Based Education

Programs accountability

It is needed that educational leader can run educational process consistently. He can improve education and enhance accountability. For this purpose he can take following measures or steps:
  1. Prepare record for accountability of teacher’s training and student’s learning.
  2. He can create standards for educational program and prepare records for it.
  3. He can demonstrate his knowledge and competencies to develop an improvement plan for continuous development of educational program.
  4. He can guide the institution to meet the success and satisfy parents.
  5. He can ensure the participation of others for continuous improvement of the educational programs in the institution.
  6. Ensure the participation of the other expertise for the improvement of the organization.

Clear strategy for data and record

An administrator should be competent to collect different type of information, prepares documents and reports with the help of data. In this regard, he should be well versed with information and prepare the record in time. An administrator should be able to share information with others and avoid concealing the facts and information unnecessarily.

Providing resources for the improvement of educational process

It is very much essential for educational administration to provide resources because no organization can run without this. Following steps must be taken for this purpose.
  1. He should assign financial responsibilities to teacher and make easy and transparent way of purchase.
  2. Arrange resources for the betterment of staff and teachers educational programmed.
  3. He can set the priorities for provision of allocate resources and funds for the educational programs and its implementation needs for the whole financial year.
  4. He can make financial plan and budget.
  5. He may ensure grants and funds from government, community and various other organizations for specific programs.
  6. He must be aware of financial matters and rules and can act accordingly.

Resources for teaching

He can use resources for teaching, improve these resources and can develop comprehensive teaching program. In this respect, an administrator must be competent.
  1. To ensure the availability of resources for teaching activities and facilities etc.
  2. To ensure the use of modern technology skills and knowledge.
  3. To use new resources, new inventions untraditional ways and research.
  4. Student’s specific needs are fulfilled by him.
  5. To make the subject matter unbiased and far from sectarianism.

Guidance to improve consistently teaching process and curriculum

Curriculum is the soul of teaching institution. It is provided by higher authority. The process of improvement in curriculum is essential for teaching process. In this concern, an educational leader must be competent:
  1. To ensure teacher’s participation in planning and teaching program.
  2. To achieve objective set for students according to educational design.
  3. He can provide some innovative suggestions in teaching style, promoting culture etc.
  4. To give help in best teaching.
  5. He should be able to provide suggestions to adapt the curriculum according to the needs of students and nation to higher authorities. 

Evaluation and examination system

It is necessary for educational manager that he can make examination system more operative to motivate students and teachers to do more work with perseverance in order to give satisfactory results which can heighten his respect. In this way he facilitates teachers and arranges formal and informal evaluation for students. He can use assessment for the education and growth of the students. He should devise examination system according to the inspiration, needs of the nation and society and local community can depend and trust on such results of institution.


It is also included in the competencies of educational administrator to encourage his teachers in developing professional attitude and behavior. To become the role model for the students and teachers, he should follow the following lines.
  1. Observe policies and rules.
  2. Considers individual differences.
  3. Behaves teachers equally.
  4. The teachers who do not show good results, lazy in their duties and unprofessional in their behavior are treated by him with harsh attitude.
  5. Issue code of conduct and makes its strict observance.

Communication skills

  1. When a teacher gives some new ideas, he should discuss it. Listen carefully those opinions put forward by teachers to solve problems. Then accept that idea if it is favorable for the institution.
  2. Exchange views of mutual interest with the parents and communicate it to the students.
  3. Issue commands and orders categorically to staff and students. Conduct a meeting with teachers to arrange, change of subject matter.
  4. Assign some assignments to teachers and authorize them according to the duty or assignment.
  5. He must know the art of conversation, meeting, lecture sermon and speech.

Achievement of objects regarding educational philosophy

  1. Educational manager has the ability to take decision according to mission, philosophy, and objectives and can devise target groups and class according to strategy.
  2. He can arrange student’s programs according to changing needs and circumstances.
  3. He can plan by teacher’s advice and participation.
  4. Constitute strategic plan and implement it according to long term planning.

Teachers assessment and ability to assign them task

  1. He can take work from teachers according to rules and regulations and control the absenteeism.
  2. Assign responsibility to teachers according to their abilities.
  3. To assign, discuss new teachers, new entries in school, make them conscious about their responsibilities.
  4. Prepare diaries and syllabus.
  5. Give them guidance according to the skills, capabilities, specific fields.
  6. Play a role of a mentor to enhance in them skills, leadership qualities.

Professional development

  1. Head of school enhance teacher’s skills according to different professional models, training methods as life long practice and getting knowledge.
  2. He persuades the teachers to participate in those activities which are related to their fields. Every teacher must read one book during a month related to his field.
  3. Give guidance in management and leadership qualities.
  4. Make teachers conscious about how to use related technology.

Staff development

  1. Educational manager always enhance his own professional upbringing and arrange professional training for his staff.
  2. Allocate resources for staff development arranges suitable activities and give remuneration for journey and time.
  3. Face the challenges and train the staff for this.
  4. Enhance the skills of teachers how to use technology and research.
  5. Encourage students, staff.
  6. Arrange in/pre-service training according to standards.

Community / social interaction

  1. Head of school takes the assistance from different agencies, departments and social organizations.
  2. Compel the community to share the school activities.
  3. Become an information source for community.
  4. Give cooperation to various social classes, participation and by alliances.
  5. Provide useful workforce and citizens to society.
  6. Educate students about Pakistan ideology and Islam.
  7. Global village and geographic scenario must be inculcated into student’s minds.
  8. He can promote social awareness and civic sense.
  9. Give admission to children regardless of their status, and make advertisement according to rules and regulation. 

Other capabilities of educational leader

  1. Leader in teaching content and methodology.
  2. Provider of a fine teaching material.
  3. Best manager and having best managing qualities.
  4. Accept new changes.
  5. Train his second line leadership for future.
  6. Be a coach of students, teachers and develop their abilities.
  7. Create an environment of fine morality and professionalism.
  8. Use communication skills and know inter-personal communication.
  9. In objectives, aims, research and evaluation seeks the best.


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