Sunday 15 February 2015

Functions of Educational Administration

We described five functions of educational administration such as planning, organizing, commanding, coordination and controlling which control education system.


Planning is an intellectual activity which is performed on the basis of facts, ideas and principles. Activities are planned so that the objectives for which it has come to existence can be achieved.


Organizing means arrangement, inter-relationship and order among people, material, procedure, knowledge and the work to be done.


Commanding or directing involves the execution of plans and decisions and makes staff to perform their responsibilities efficiently.


Coordinating educational administration requires harmonizing in a unified manner all the elements involved in the programmed. It seeks the cooperation of all involved in the administration.

Relations management and administration

Management and administration are considered synonym but actually management is a whole and administration is simply a part of it. The use of word management is modern context, whereas administration is old concept.

Management is a total of four elements whereas administration is a part and based on and deals in controlling. Administrator deals with these four elements at a time in some cases. To observe them separately is difficult. Supervision and inspection are the tools by which administration do the function of controlling and directing. According to modern view management works on higher level whereas administrator supervisor and inspector lend a helping hand to management for attainment of goals.


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