Thursday 29 January 2015

Types of Supervision

Kinds or styles of supervision are as follows:

Corrective supervision

It is an authoritarian concept. Supervisor finds out faults of the staff and threatens them on their weaknesses.

Supervision by Inspection

This type reflects authoritarian style of supervision. It checks that either teacher is performing his routine tasks or not. If he feels some negligence then he decides how to replace eligible people in their place or bring some appropriate changes.

Preventive Supervision

Supervisor’s behavior is realistic. The situation and the problems that he observes during inspection, he tries to make their solution within his powers.

Laissez fair supervision

Supervisor does not take any kind of interest in the routine matters. Teachers do their work according to their own will, and they share the powers of head-teacher. This happens when supervisor is weak having inferior mental capabilities.

Creative supervision

Supervisor evaluates teachers work according to his professional capabilities and instead of adopting negative behavior he tries to understand their problems and with the cooperation of teachers he finds the solution of the problem.

Scientific supervision

These types of supervision use scientific tools, data and methods and all means to improve the situation.

Democratic supervision

In this method staffs opinion is taken and makes efforts to solve their day to day problems.

Training Guidance Mentoring

In this method, supervisors himself demonstrate the methods as a role model rather compelling the teacher for better teaching method. Teachers try to learn from him due to his learning and experience. The role of supervisor in this method of supervision is like an elder brother, mentor, sister or a coach and leader.

What is to be checked?

First of all a supervisor divides the whole school business into two parts, educational and non-educational. After this division, he maintains a list of further possible matters and does his inspection according to this formation.

1.       Supervision of teaching matters

It includes the following
  • Curriculum
  • Syllabus
  • Diaries
  • Lesson planning
  • Classroom management
  • Classroom environment
  • Governments policies
  • Syllabus and its practical application
  • Changes in examination system
  • Discipline in organization
  • Counseling
  • Security management
  • Teachers students behavior
  • Teaching methods
  • Presentation methods
  • Supervision of teachers
  • Ethics
  • Mutual relations
  • Problem of institutions.

1.       Non-Teaching Matters

It includes the following:
  • Records of all kinds
  • Planning Organization
  • Staff profile or statement
  • Budget
  • Income/expenditure schedules and statements
  • Facilities
  • Resources Division of work
  • Rules and regulation
  • Community relations
  • Library Laboratory
  • Literary and co-curricular activities 


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