Tuesday 10 February 2015

Principles of Educational Management

 A teacher of some school, college or university must keep all these principles in mind.

1.       Principle of sharing responsibility

This signifies that programs should be undertaken jointly by teachers and administrator with authority equally shared among those participated in the process.

2.       Principle of equality

The administrator should look upon his or her colleagues as socially equal.

3.       Principle of freedom

People are at their best when they have freedom to exercise their power and talent. The power of critical thinking to arrive at proper decisions, which essential for education, can only e cultivated in an atmosphere of freedom.

4.       Principle of justice

All will be treated on the same footing and undue favor to some will not be given. Lack of justice breeds disgust and frustration among people.

5.       Principle of recognition of individual’s effort

This signifies that it is through efforts that new ideas are formulated and put into practice and therefore, it should be given due recognition.

6.       Principle of planning

This stresses that planning that planning should grow out of the recognized needs and interests of those who are affected by plan.

7.       Principle of flexibility

Democratic administration is always prepared for a change of approach or policy in case it is satisfied that such a change will yield better.

8.       Principle of dynamics

The administration should always be forward looking and moving towards better programs and policies.

9.       Principles of human relation

In functioning of good administration depends upon the ability of the administrator to create better personal relations among people engaged in administration.

10.   Principle of maintenance of standards of efficiency

This means making all efforts to maintain and improve standards of efficiency in every phase of education.

11.   Principle of leadership

As a leader of various groups, the administrator must possess qualities of leadership so that others may follow the person.

12.   Principle of appreciation

Since it is normal that the human beings like to be appreciated, a democratic administrator should appreciate good work and good output.

13.   Principle of evaluation

Success or failure of a program must be assessed so that changes in future policy and program can be incorporated.

14.   Principle of research

For the maintenance of standards, it is necessary to make provisions for research and follow a number of techniques, procedures and practices of research.


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