Saturday 7 February 2015

School Inspection Reports

Aims of inspection

Some aims are settled by experts:
  1. To improve the performance and development of organization.
  2. Educational authority, school and local community coordination
  3. The assessment of governmental policies, objectives, implication and their success
  4. To improve educational quality
  5. To evaluate school performance and suggest the solution of the problems
  6. To improve professional skills of the teachers and provide them in-service training
  7. To give the right direction to the resources and energies of school
  8. To make the school quite up to the mark
  9. To make communication with school administration and inspection team
  10. To avoid any fault and mistake by means of accountability
  11. To help for maintenance of best moral and educational environment
  12. To ensure the right use of public and private
  13. To provide future guidance by examining their educational conditions
  14. To improve curricular and co-curricular activities
  15. To create harmony among students, teachers and head-teacher.

Functions of inspection

  1. To learn that is school working according to national inspiration?
  2. Has the school a link with inspection officers and other institutions?
  3. Is the school conscious about the matters which are to be inspected?
  4. Are the suitable people preparing for different levels?
  5. To inspect the teaching work either right way of teaching is being adopted or not?
  6. Is the time table adequate for completion of the syllabus in time?
  7. Are the teacher’s teaching and non-teaching activities according to rules and regulation?
  8. Are the student’s activities according to educational standards?
  9. Are the co-curricular activities hold and how much they are sufficient for the students?
  10. Is school environment suitable for educational process?
  11. Is the cleanliness and environment according to health needs?
  12. Are the facilities of library, classrooms, play grounds and other facilities being provided to students?
  13. Are the relationship of teachers and students suitable and cooperative in educational process?
  14. Is the school record complete and entries of funds and expenditures are accurate and justified?
  15. Are development works in school under process?
  16. Os the school providing an environment in which student’s multi-dimensional growth possible?

To sum up, all the above details can be described as follows:

  1. Supervision of instructional work
  2. Supervision of co-curricular and curricular activities and programmed
  3. Supervision of school environment
  4. Supervision of school record
  5. Supervision of developmental aspect
  6. Supervision of public growth

Procedure of inspection

Generally, this method of inspection is adopted;

School visit

School visit can be done in three ways:
  • To inspect after informing the head. It is called annual inspection or technical inspection.
  • Surprise visit
  • Visit after the invitation of the head of institution.

Teachers meeting and conference

In this method inspector takes a joint session of teachers and head of institution. He talks about the strength and a weakness objectively, gives opinion and form future plan with mutual interaction.

Issuing orders and circulars

  • In normal conditions instructions, orders and circulars with different investigations and policies are issued to organizations.
  • After inspection, inspector can issue a warning for the completion of some required tasks. He can bind the head by some orders to make compliance within a certain time period.

Demonstration of teaching

If an inspector feels that teaching is not carried out according to standards, he will make a demonstration and show how teaching can be done or will arrange some workshop with the help of some subject specialists.

Planned inner and outer school visit

When an inspector visits some organization, he takes with him some teachers of other school keeping in view the reputation of the inspected school. Thus, teachers can observe the discipline and administration of school and take counsel from them about their educational experiences. This sharing of knowledge is a learning process for institutional environment.
The other way is quite opposite to the above. Teachers of schools which have poor performance are accompanied the inspector to observe the well reputed institutions. In this way, they can learn with others’ experiences and make their own school better accordingly. It is also called indirect staff development.

Kind of inspection

  • Democratic inspection
  • Creative inspection
  • Preventive inspection
  • Dictatorial inspection
  • Laissez fair inspection
  • Surprise inspection
  • Technical inspection

The points on which school is inspected

  • Description of the school
  • Overall effectiveness of the school
  • Achievement and standards
  • Personal development and well-being
  • Quality of provision
  • Teaching and learning
  • Curriculum and other activities
  • Care, guidance and support
  • Leadership and management


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