Friday 29 August 2014

School is a social institution and an organization

School is a social institution and an organization. Schools assure such quality education that enables students to know their abilities as well as help them to use their God gifted talented to achieve individual and collective objectives.
The members of every organization have different behaviors, attitudes; interests and abilities these have direct effect and impact on organizational success. To achieve organizational objectives, the group of people is organized to put their best efforts in a collective and harmonious way. the secret of success of any organization lies in collective effort.
In the management and administration of the school's educational activities many people work collectively. Among them, head teacher has a unique and important role to perform.
The secret of school objectives and program lies in the relationship between the teacher and student. These relations are building on mutual understanding and good relationship. The culture of respect, courtesy, enthusiasm, knowledge enhancement and team spirit, are compulsory for the success of an organization.
An efficient organization motivates its members for constructive works, and becomes a source of economic, mental, and social satisfaction, importance of time and need for human relation are universal. Any organization in the world cannot deny the importance of human relations.
What would be the foundation of good relations? What should be the behavior while determining goals and up to their achievement? This demands, practical work and participation to full extent. In school administration, there are a number of people working but among all of them, the leader possesses a unique status. Headmaster or principle has the position like a chief. The secret involves in the success of an educational program, is the good relationship between Head of the institution and the teachers which is based on mutual respect, cooperation, collective effort, struggle and trust. For this purpose some qualities are very essential to keep in view by the head of educational organization or institution.


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