Monday 1 December 2014

What is Supervision


Behind every successful school, there is an effective supervision programmed. “Supervision is the glue that holds successful school together processes by which some person or group of people are responsible for providing a link between individual teachers needs and organization goals so that individuals within the school can work in harmony toward their vision of what the school should be.
The relationship between a teacher and supervisor was not strong enough in near past. It was a horrible dream for a number of teachers but now it is changed. The more a supervisor is aware about the teaching process the more it would be convenient for him to communicate the teacher. For this purpose both should read the literature of different scholars of this field. It is very essential for teaching professional and social trainer to give them intellectual support. A supervisor should not always remain busy in administrative work. He must provide an effective and learning environment to teachers.

Definition of Supervision

Supervision is a word derived from the word superior and its other compound word is vision. After joining both words the literal meaning will be superior knowledge and power. A second term is also used as general supervision.
Such type of supervision ignores professional development. The purpose of supervision is not to control the teacher rather to take their cooperation and facilitate them to improve their teaching method. Supervisor plays a role of a supporter, helper but not a manager. The availability of facilities improves teachers performance. The objective of assessment evaluation is to analyze professional behavior. Evaluation is such a critical assessment, which a supervisor does by rising himself above the traditional behavior of supervision. When he takes decision, he keeps this fact in mind that how a teacher will perceive it and in which perspective. Supervision process is a contract between supervisor and a teacher. Both unanimously by making consensus can run this and can perform their responsibility.
Supervision is needed to set the educational institution on right direction and attain the set goals. In every field experts and well educated persons play the role of leaders and set the path towards future.

We observe the duties on the part of parents, government and society by the process of supervision. Supervision examines teaching processes and activities. All definitions indicate to educational process, services, action and betterment of education. Mostly, authorities do inspection to check the adequate level of educational skills. It means to lend a helping hand to teachers and students in their learning to, improve their professional skills, attainment of settled objectives, and assess the educational objectives according to curriculum. In other words, supervision is a suitable guidance of teachers, so that students can be prepared according to the future challenges. In learning process, supervision is usually carried out by headmaster, principals and related administrative officials.

Wednesday 19 November 2014

The Concept of Inspection

The concept of inspection, supervision and administration are used synonymous. These terms are used to refer the function and activities of managing resources, tasks; persons in order to achieve defined and set objectives. Therefore it is essential for a prospective teacher, manager and administrator to know the term like inspection, supervision and management.

Why school Administration is compulsory or essential

The school is the miniature of society, community center and place of future preparation. Furthermore, it is center of those activities that create awareness about social values. It makes acquaintance with social values, a stage which prepares for coming future. Policies are formed on national level to train innocent minds of new generation. Governments establish departments for the enforcement of plans and policies. Following points reflect the importance and need of school administration.

  1. School is a major source to achieve national goals, objective and thus school administration plays a vital role.
  2. Advantages in technology influencing behaviors, attitudes and ambitions of societies. It is school administration that can make a move towards positive changes.
  3. School administration plays a vital role in this age of social changes i.e. scientific, social, economic and psychological. School creates awareness about these changes and helps how to meet the challenges.
  4. Teacher is considered change agent in the world, who exerts his influence by means of syllabus, curriculum and teaching methods. Therefore it is school administration that controls and guides the above activities.
  5. Institutions are the soul of nations. It is the duty of the administration to run these institutions. The enforcement of rules and policies to run the school is the responsibilities of the school administration.
  6. School administration creates in students the civic sense, awareness about their responsibilities, develop fine values, and inculcate better behavior.
  7. School administration promotes Islamic values, democratic norms, and harmony relations with Muslim world.
  8. School administration is important for curricular and co-curricular activities.
Responsibilities of education management School system

After knowing the concept of administration and management, it is necessary to know what the major functions of school administration to perform are. Basically, we divide these functions in two categories:
  1. Instructional tasks
  2. Non-instructional tasks
Instructional Tasks
  1. Formation of mission, policy
  2. Provision of peaceful educational environment
  3. Cooperation and efforts to achieve national objectives
  4. Participation in educational planning
  5. Training and development of teacher competence to perform better in education
  6. Supervision and inspection of instructional work in classroom.
  7. To fill the communication gap among students, teacher and administrator
  8. Motivating teachers and students to increased their performance
Non-Instructional Tasks
  1. Provision of physical facilities
  2. Provision of Infrastructure
  3. Arrangement of time table to maintain discipline
  4. Determine responsibilities
  5. Recruitment and training of staff
  6. Preparation of budget
  7. Arrangement of Budget
  8. Arrangement of resources Coordination among teacher, students, community and authorities.
  9. Set the priorities regarding research.

Types of Administration
  1. Authoritarian administration
  2. Democratic Administration
  3. Laissez faire Administration

It is opposite to liberty, freedom and it refers to a dictator type of administration. The characteristics of this type are such a behavior which is rude, rigid, and contemptuous on the part of administrator. He wants to make his subordinates suppress and frightened, imposes his opinion, uses his authority relentlessly. He does not bother about others feelings and sentiments. He strictly enforces rules. He does not show any sign of sympathy, honor, good human behavior. Subordinates are bound to obey without question. Nobody has the right to give suggestions to the management. Subordinates take their responsibilities with a sense of coercion. The emphasis is placed on strict control and discipline.

  1. Work complete in time
  2. Provides opportunities to use expertise.
  3. It encourages quick decision and rapid action.
  4. Some institutions also get better result by using this type of administration.
  5. This method is called (M.B.D) management by discipline.
  6. It gives weight to experience and an ability to work.
  7. It promotes working relationship.

This method possesses more disadvantages than advantages.
  1. This method of administration breeds flattering habit in subordinates.
  2. It harms human ego, and self esteem
  3. It chain freedom of thought and expression.
  4. An environment of coercion prevails in the institution.
  5. In case of non-compliance subordinate has to suffer heavy loss.
  6. It restrains use of wisdom for the benefit of institution.
  7. It promotes culture of awe rather dialogue and mutual accommodation.
  8. It decreases passion in the workers to do work with commitment and enthusiasm.
  9. Staff divided in groups and they start conspiracies against each other.
  10. Decrease level of trust between officer and staff.
  11. Workers become habitual to remain under strict supervision.
  12. It brings forth ‘yes sir’ culture rather commitment to work.
  13. It reduces sense of responsibility.
  14. It enhances slavery, falsehood, backbiting and deception.
  15. Promotes interest seeking trends rather love for country, work and profession.
  16. This system does not provide alternate leadership.
Democratic Administration

This type of administration gives importance to the suggestions and opinion of the subordinates. This gives freedom of expression and thought. In this style of administration, bottom up approach is adopted to make decisions. It promotes the values like respect of opinion tolerance, broad-mindedness, participation, self respected, freedom of thought etc. the administrator plays his role as a mentor, brother and teach. It develops open dialogue culture, an environment ensure cooperation. Subordinates are considered as human beings; therefore, work is assigned to them according to their faculties and skills. Because, all members have common objectives and destination so they work as term. In this style of management, subordinates are encourages to share and contribute willingly. This type of management lays the foundation of progress of the institutions and organization. This method is usually applied in school.

  1. All members are involved in decision making that is why they work very hard to achieve the defined objectives to reach destination.
  2. Administrator takes collective decisions; therefore, everything is shared up to result. The concept of collective responsibility prevails. One’s failure is the failure of all becomes the hallmark.
  3. Distribution of power does not pave the way to crisis of leadership because alternative leadership is ready to assume leadership role.
  4. Members of organization work spontaneously by means of self-directive manner. They know very well what would be the destination.
  5. Because of creative environment, progress toward betterment always continues that ensures the best training of students.
  6. There is no distance between subordinate and administrator.
  7. It heightens the morale of staff and they feel secure.
  8. It enhances self-control.
  9. Good tradition, environment of participation, in setting objectives all these collectively enhance motivation in staff.

This type of administration bears low level of demerits but some are worthy to be noted.
  1. Right of the difference of opinion when given to such persons who have no vast knowledge and experience cause in them steadfastness o their opinion and they begin to make conspiracies to convince others about their inadequate opinion. They take it as a matter of their own prestige and ego.
  2. Right to criticize makes someone’s behavior more negative and they continuously criticize negatively.
  3. Every person feels himself of great status and ignores experience and expertise.
  4. Personal freedom is a fine thing but a liberty to full length is not adequate.
  5. Respect of humanity is a fine value but every person cannot assimilate it.
  6.  Man is a combination of vice and virtue. The flourish of vice is more easy than virtue.
  7. Right thinking is a fundamental value in dialogue culture but every person does not possess sound judgment.
  8. The people who think rightly and work sincerely are jealous by others.
  9. Human beings are selfish and they avoid from hard work. Therefore, they always incline to give such opinion which serves their own interests.
  10. Administrator always gives more importance to those who have sound judgment and work laboriously. In fact, it is hard to give respect to all members of staff becomes a source of many difficulties.
  11. The functioning of democratic norms affect and strong conventions and traditions which are essential for system and institutions.
  12. Under such type of administration consensus building is not possible. Multi-groups come into being as pressure groups who force the administrator to make compromise and have to accept substandard opinion. It influences quality education as counter product and affects social value system.
Laissez faire Administration

It is based on the principle of non-interference. In this way of administration, an administrator becomes lethargic, sloth, selfish behavior and lack of interest. He does not interfere in the business of organization and maintain status quo. He depends upon others. The role of leadership becomes weak. Every person does whatever he wants. His management is actually mismanagement. The top priority of the administrator is how to hold his position rather how to run the organization effectively. During this course the training of employee become impossible, system goes deep in chaos, subordinates do not observer rules and organization moves toward down slide. The attainments of objectives become more difficult. Administrator loses moral dearness, sense of responsibilities and fear of God.

  1. This way of administration is beneficial in those areas where working staff is more senior, responsible and experienced.
  2. This method is opposite to authoritative way of administration. This method is successful in business partnership instead of educational institutions. This is useful for bargaining. If the human conscience is ready to prick and love for humanity and homeland exists, this method will be useful.
  1. All people do claim limitless freedom and lose discipline.
  2. New comers usually do not ready to learn conventions and training, discipline and norms of profession.
  3. The people who are deputed from college or university to school do not ready to accept any guideline.
  4. It does not allow developing a culture of professionalism and promoting anarchy.
  5. It destroys discipline and social ethical values.
  6. It leads the system to collapse.
  7. It restrains the promotion of quality in every related field.
  8. Interest seeking groups and pressure groups exert strong influence on head and he becomes helpless.
  9. It lacks of the sense of responsibility, God fearing, welfare of the teachers and students.
  10. It shakes the trust on the survival of the humanity and sublime values.

Friday 29 August 2014

School is a social institution and an organization

School is a social institution and an organization. Schools assure such quality education that enables students to know their abilities as well as help them to use their God gifted talented to achieve individual and collective objectives.
The members of every organization have different behaviors, attitudes; interests and abilities these have direct effect and impact on organizational success. To achieve organizational objectives, the group of people is organized to put their best efforts in a collective and harmonious way. the secret of success of any organization lies in collective effort.
In the management and administration of the school's educational activities many people work collectively. Among them, head teacher has a unique and important role to perform.
The secret of school objectives and program lies in the relationship between the teacher and student. These relations are building on mutual understanding and good relationship. The culture of respect, courtesy, enthusiasm, knowledge enhancement and team spirit, are compulsory for the success of an organization.
An efficient organization motivates its members for constructive works, and becomes a source of economic, mental, and social satisfaction, importance of time and need for human relation are universal. Any organization in the world cannot deny the importance of human relations.
What would be the foundation of good relations? What should be the behavior while determining goals and up to their achievement? This demands, practical work and participation to full extent. In school administration, there are a number of people working but among all of them, the leader possesses a unique status. Headmaster or principle has the position like a chief. The secret involves in the success of an educational program, is the good relationship between Head of the institution and the teachers which is based on mutual respect, cooperation, collective effort, struggle and trust. For this purpose some qualities are very essential to keep in view by the head of educational organization or institution.